Radio Today guide to the ICOM IC-R8600
For many the Icom IC-R8600 is one of the best receivers currently available, however as with all sophisticated radios are you getting the most from it? The Icom IC-R8600 has a vast array of features and as always Andrew Barron, ZL3DW sets to explain the things that make the radio special.
The Icom IC-R8600 receiver is the "best of both worlds." It is a desktop receiver with buttons and knobs, but it can be connected to an SDR program running on your PC, or directly to an external SDR receiver, to give the same functionality as many of the 'black box' SDR receivers on the market. Very few desktop receivers offer a band scope, spectrum and waterfall display that the Icom IC-R8600 offers. The IC-R8600 is ranked at number five on the prestigious Sherwood Engineering website where Rob Sherwood has been benchmarking amateur radio transceivers and receivers for many years.
The Radio Today Guide to the Icom IC-R8600 as is true for all of Andrew's books doesn't duplicate the manuals which describe each button, function, and control but is a "how to do it" book with easy to follow, step by step instructions. If you have one of these radios or are considering purchasing one there is no better way to ensure you will get the best from it.
Product Details
Softcover: 192 pages
Author: Andrew Barron, ZL3DW
Publisher: RSGB
First published: 2024
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-91399-551-5
Format: 176 x 240mm