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SDR - Software Defined Radio, 2nd Edition

SDR - Software Defined Radio, 2nd Edition
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Andrew Barron, ZL3DW, RSGB 2nd Edition 2017, 304 Seiten, Format: 17,4 x 24 cm, Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 9781 9101 9349 5

SDR - Software Defined Radio

Everyone is talking about software defined radio (SDR) but is SDR right for you? Software Defined Radio sets out to explain the basics without getting to technical and is written to help you too get the most out of your SDR. It will even help you decide what to buy.

Written by New Zealand based and acknowledged SDR expert Andrew Barron, ZL3DW, Software Defined Radio covers a huge range of material. The use of SDR by radio amateurs is growing rapidly in popularity as they become aware of the great features and performance on offer. Not only does this book cover how SDR works there are details the different types of software that are available, what is different about them and even what is better. There is a wealth of useful information included and even guides to what to look for when you are buying equipment. There are guides to using SDR with CW, Digital Modes, Contesting, EME, Microwaves, Satellites and much more. You will find information on over 60 SDR radios that you can buy today featuring leading brands such as FlexRadio, Elecraft, Anan, Expert, Elad, Icom, WiNRADiO, SDRplay, FUNcube and many more.

Software Defined Radio is intended for radio amateurs, short wave listeners or anyone interested in radio technology. If you are interested in the technology of what was once, the domain of a few dedicated hackers and experimenters, the future of this exciting and fast developing area of radio or simply want to buy a SDR radio, this book is thoroughly recommend